21 October 2012

Be Satisfied What You Got

None of you shall have everything in life, but you will have what you need; so be satisfied with what you got. None of you shall have more in life than what Allah decreed for you, but you will have what you need; so be thankful for it. And none of you shall have a perfect life in this world, but you will have what you need; so move on in your life.

The Prophet (sallAllaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said:

“O Abu Dharr! Do you think that an abundance in wealth is satisfaction? Verily, true satisfaction is the satisfaction of the heart, and whoever is one who’s satisfaction is in his heart, then nothing that he encounters from this World will harm him. And whoever is one who’s poverty is in his heart, then he will never become satisfied with an abundance of what is given to him in this World, and his covetnous is what will harm him.” [Saheeh al-Jaami as-Sagheer wa Ziyaadatuh #7816]

Struggle and have patience until the day comes for you to have everything, more than you want, and all that you wish. And this dream will become true only in Paradise, and that is the real life that (inshaAllah) awaits you. The real life begins in the hereafter.

As for this life, it is a prison for until an appointed time. Until you get free, you have to struggle and be patient.

Abu Huraira reported Allah’s Messenger (sallAllaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) as saying:

"The world is a prison-house for a believer and Paradise for a non-believer." [Sahih Muslim: Book 42 Hadith 7058]

Allah SWT

Allah SWT

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7 Sunnah Rasulullah SAW