28 December 2010

Ahli 1577

Dh lma aku x bukak my blog ... hurmm.. where shoud i start....
malam semalam aku ngan geng aku..
...kitaowg main futsal together lawan ngan team senior hahhaha
mior amir
hahaha mula mula kalah ar standard ar tu.. pastu per ktaowg bantau dyorg 7-4 skali gus hahaa..

05 September 2010

Ahli 1577

wei bagi sesiapa yg x dpt pautan assignment mat 133 sila download dari laman web ni


for md1f je...... bby mohd aiman

03 September 2010

Ahli 1577

kepada semua pelajar MD1F1/F2 assignment mat 133 saya dh email kn kepada anda sesiapa yg tidak terima email dari saya sila message saya ok....
by aiman

25 August 2010

Ahli 1577

askum..... sekian lama blog ni x update dgn ini sya mengesah kan bahawa.. ceh.. haha x de la standard je... kitaowg busy ngan test lol...... mcmc mcmcmcmcmcmcmc la.... aku pun ngah tension ngan test aku ..... haish..

by mohd aiman

18 August 2010

sorry i haven't update this blog cuz... i'm very bz with the test now.... but our group are still together even though we are far apart from each other.........

25 July 2010

Ahli 1577

Today at my university.... we had gotong royong together.. to clean up our college.... hurm lets see... i have been selected as a leader at my floor... thats aklll..

by aiman

21 July 2010

Ahli 1577

sorry to you all ... im very busy for the time being so i cannot update this blog as i said before cuz i got a lot of assingment..... as if right now i not even sleep yet.... now is 5.oo a.m..... hope you all not dissapointed with the update thank you for visiting

by mohd aiman

13 July 2010

Ahli 1577

As you all can see, this blog is not recently up to date... let me tell you all the reason why this blog is dull...

1) the member in 1577 group had further their study to a higher level education. to achieve.....
2) all of them are busy with their study
3) some of them forgotten the password for this blog..
4) as for me.... im pretty busy with my course registration problem.

that all the reason.. that i can give...... thank you for visiting this blog... but from now onward i wil update it,.. every 2 days

by mohd aiman.... 2010492198

30 April 2010

Ahli 1577

ari paling best siot aku dpt tawaran kat uitm... kos..mekanikal engineering
asrin lak uitm... kos... sains kuantitatif haha
shameel x dpt masuk
naufaal x dpt jugak..
iskandar pun x dpt gak..
epul.ejal.. n abhar x tau ag..esok la taye dyorg haha pepe aku hepy la..
impian aku tercapi gak... pasni aku nk stdy hard gler la.... pastunk try la luck aku masuk harvard tp sebelum tu setiap semester aku kene dpt 4.00 flat la hahah insyaallah boleh sahaja....

by mohd aiman..

26 April 2010

Ahli 1577

esok asrin n naufaal akan balik dari plkn ayer keroh, melaka.... tp aku x sure la yg dy org akan pegi balik x.... tp asrin aku pasti la sbb dy nk ambk matrik.. dy dpt matrik kat selangor sama ngan aku lak tu..

tp aku mls lak nk ambk matrik compact sgt..
sains lak tu hahaha.... tp asrin leh kot aku suke steady je.. wat pe nk rush2... pening kepala jew beza setahun je bila graduated degree... lagi pun aku mlas ambk degree 3 tahun haha

ntah la pepe ari ni aku x de wat pe pe pun just tido..
esok mgkn hangout ngan asrin n pal kot.. tgk la mcm ne kn....

by mohd aiman

24 April 2010

Ahli 1577

ari semakin hari.. aku pun xperasan yg aku ada blog... ntah la tiba tiba teringat pulak...

aku lupa sal update blog haha..... sory la wei sapew yg berkunjung ke blog ini... aku bukan pe cuma ketandusan idea sahaja tu je... kalo ada idea hari hari aku tulis sampai leh wat novel..

ari ni aku wat thesis 6 jam siot..
sakit belakang aku.. kene print 500 helai mcm jual buku lak haha anyway aku x sihat..

sampai di sini shaja ;la TTFn

by mohd aiman

10 April 2010

Ahli 1577

semakin lama masa berlalu.... aku pun x tau nk ckp pe sebenarnya dalam ni so i make it simple...
today shameel finally pass his jpj test...... which put aside azrul n asrin.. they dont have any license yet..
azrul will take his driving class around may i think... n asrin will continue his jpj test after he got back from plkn.. that it.. sory for the late update

03 April 2010

Ahli 1577

kebelankangan ni aku ngan geng aku x tau nk wat pew kn.. kitaorg just lepak kat rishad je... dgn duit nye dh kering haha... aku pun dh buntu , x tau nk wat pew dh..

so aku cari keje kat giant n 7e..... tp yg call hanye 7e suh aku dtg untuk interview hari isnin kul 2 ptg... nk pegi ke x... tu je dalam fikiran aku.. haha

ase mcm x nk g

move on into my 1577 life.. some of ur frenz had to go for national service.. thats pretty ruin everthing..not enough member to play badminton haha.... some of them are working.. some r not..

the time eat us down as we get bored n bored through the time.. nothing less i can talk in this blog

by aiman

27 March 2010

Ahli 1577

segelintir kawan aku kene pegi PLKN hahah... name dy.. asrin dan naufaal...dyorg start 27 mac habis 12 jun... aku pun dh lama x update blog ni kn sbb kadang2 javascript aku x update... malas nk update haha..
sekarang ni x tau nk wat pewkat umah... dh la ada 3 bulan agi... aku nk keje tp ramai ckp ko x sesuai keje tu keje ni hahaa.. pelik gak aku...semua dh pilih course masing masing haha...

esok mungkin petang aku nk ajak kawan aku main badminton kat bandar puteri..... baru best ... tp masalah nye pity x de haha.. k la sampai di sini saje haha

by mohd aiman

14 March 2010

Ahli 1577

13/03/10....... aku, mak aku, adk -adk aku, naufaal n asrin pegi klcc (falcon education fair).....

naik lrt kat taman jaya kat PJ.... dekat ngan pejabat mak aku....
perjalan pegi dan balik rm 4.20 murah gak la.... ramai giler owg haha...

sampai je kat klcc x tau nk g convention center...pastu mak aku taye la owg kat sane...
jumpa gak hall dy...
hall 3-5....

peh aku ngan nufaal n asrin pe lagi,,, tepat kul 12 terus masuk dalam...
ramai giler owg....
byk gler colleges private kat sane... byk gler dpt kertas flyer colleges tu..
hahaha.. berat gler bag......
kalo jual mau dpt 5 6 ringgit haha... pastu yg paling muka tebal kat booth baking haha...
pe lagi mkn free la...
roti garlic
cheese kek (blueberry, strawberry..
mcm mcm lah..
pastu pegi dua kali plak tu hahahha..
pastu kul 2 balik la.... pnat pun...... haaha sampai sini saja.......

post by
mohd aiman

13 March 2010

Ahli 1577

Pada 11/10/2010 adalah ari yg paling aku geruni dengan keputusan SPM 09 aku yg tidak seberapa tapi aku bersyukur kerana telah dikurniakan keputusan yg agak bgus la... haha... tapi yg penting adalah kawan aku semua.. mereka mempunyai keputusan yang bagus. Ibubapa mereka memberikan sepenuh semangat untuk terus berjuang.... aku ingin mengucapkan taniah kepada rakan ku...... kerana telah berusaha dgn tekun dan mendapt result yg bagus......... susah nk dapat kawan mcm korang..... u all the best man.... hope that u will susceed in the future...that all for now

28 February 2010

Ahli 1577

Yesterday was a boring day because there no people plus there is no activities to do at that particular time. So I came out a plan, the plan was hang out at alamanda but some of us can't make it.... so we change our plan to go to IOI...

then again the time failure us(azrul, me and asrin). we came to the conclusion and we all agree to hang out and rishad after that went to see Alif at petronas BK6......... we went there by car.. of course im the driver haha....( toyota vios) we all hang out until 7 p.m.... Azrul offer us a job( pulled the cable undergaround) its paid well but the only problem is we work at 8 p.m until 4 a.m hush my mom wont let me.....

At night my family and i went to Awan Besar to eat stay... it was magnifico.... haha... that all for yesterday story... today i will meet my old frenz

edit by
mohd aiman

26 February 2010

Ahli 1577

Hari ini hari yg paling penat..... Pagi aku bermain badminton dgn asrin, azrul, dan iskandar. Lepas bermain kitaowg singgah kat rishad mkn jap... Pastu balik umah....

aku kuar rumah semula pada pukul 12 tghari.... mmg penat gler plus mengantok ada gak... aku g ambk Is kat umah asrin... pastu terus bertolak ke bukit jalil( is balik umah la.. naik lrt pastu tukar kat kl sentral KTM) pastu boleh pulak tinggal barang.. lenguh aku... dh la driving tu ok la.. pastu kete byk gler kat jalan... kete kurang ajar pun ada.... ntah anyway i did my job as a friend..

edit by
mohd aiman

25 February 2010

Ahli 1577 - Where ever it breaks to

Do you realize that nowadays friends are like forgeting their friends even they dont realize or they make dont know .maybe i wrote this to specify this post to someone..like they say,-i will never forget u or they will say..friends foreva!!...it like almost 99.99% in this world will say like that to their friend.i dont know you guys out there?? like i said earlier i wrote this post actually to tell bout the experience that ive been through..i just dont understand why could this happend..another out of the topic based on the theory,about coupling.....soryy for those who are out there,
3-friends(okok relationship)
4-bad relation("u are not my bf/gf anymore,so leave me alone!!!)
5-no relation
if this is true...why people should repeat again.....haha..anyway...friends suppose to backup each other rite...and not to forget each other...rite??
sorry for some crap here....

nw.....i got nothing to say more...on behalf of 1577,this is where 1577 starts to live up..

by the unspoken....(=.=")

24 February 2010

Ahli 1577

A few days i had encounter a lot of problem that i couldn't solve by myself, as clock ticking i tried so many think to solve my problem. At the end, it was solved by someone. It was relief. i thank Allah for making my "doa" accomplished.

i'm glad that i could pick up my friend and help them when ever they needed help. Tomorrow Naufaal and I will fetch up iskandar at bukit jalil LRT.. that all for today... Before i forgoten, we going to play badminton at 7.30 a.m......

edit by:
mohd aiman

23 Rules of Life

1. Marry the right person . This one decision will determine 90% of your happiness or misery.
2. Work at something you enjoy and that\'s worthy of your time and talent.
3. Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully.
4. Become the most positive and enthusiastic person you know.
5. Be forgiving of yourself and others.
6. Be generous.
7. Have a grateful heart.
8. Persistence, persistence, persistence.
9. Discipline yourself to save money on even the most modest salary.
10. Treat everyone you meet like you want to be treated.
11. Commit yourself to constant improvement.
12. Commit yourself to quality.
13. Understand that happiness is not based on possessions, power or prestige, but on relationship with people you love and respect.
14. Be loyal.
15. Be honest.
16. Be a self-starter.
17. Be decisive even it it means you\'ll sometimes be wrong.
18. Stop blaming others. Take responsibility for every area of your life
19. Be bold and courageous. When you look back on your life, you\'ll regret the things you didn\'t do more than the ones you did.
20. Take good care of those you love.
21. Don't do anything that wouldn't make your Mom proud.
22. Be humble , meek and lowly.
23. Dont Consume drugs (pendapat aku(asrin))

Ahli 1577 - Thanks to Allah giving us to see a new day

alhamdulillah ..
hari ni seperti biasa sahaja..
Naufaal telah lulus JPJnye dengan tenang dan mudah sekali.. haha..
congratz bro.. nnt senang la nk pg mana2.. duet minyak share2 la...

hari ni petang lepak rishad jap.. cite2..
plan nk pg PD... harap2 sume bole pergi.. sbb ini je la..
masa yg kite ade.. lepas dpt result SPM..
sume da ke haluan masing2.. haih.

hmm pada member aku ni..
aku sedey gak sbb ko kene camni.. tp sabar la..
ni sume dugaan Allah.. kite kene terima ngan tabah musibah..
Allah sentiasa menguji kite.. sume ujian ni ade hikmatnye..
kite kene kuat terime sume ini.. insyallah Allah akan tolong kite..
sabar itu adalah sebahagian daripada iman..

lepas lepak2 kat rishad.. hmm aktiviti seperti biase pon berjalanlah..
haha... maen badminton..
tp x bape puas maen.. sbb lepak lame sgt plak.. haha..
k la. insyallah esok aku(asrin) update lg.. *^_^*

23 February 2010

Ahli 1577 - 23th February 2010

hye all...
firstly.. thx for visiting our blog.. xD

ok2... hari ni aktiviti seperti biasa sahaja. petang maen badminton ngan member2.. haha..
hmm tetapi cuaca tidak mengizinkan.. =,="

angin datang dengan bersepoi-sepoinya... xD
so, terpaksa la kami benti maen..

selepas berapa minit kemudian.. hujan turun dengan renyai-renyainya.. hehe
masing2 balik ke rumah sendiri.. xpe la.. next time je la maen..

wohooooo esok naufaal pg JPJ... haha... sure gelabah ni.. xD.
btw gudluck la bro.. try your best and tawakal... insyallah Allah akan tolong..

22 February 2010

Ahli 1577 - TODAY IS TODAY

haha... nampaknye hari gelap.. cuaca kurang baek.. aktiviti tidak dapat dijalankan seperti biasa..
itulah hakikatnya.. hujan... hujan itu rahmat.. aku masih baru dalam blog2 ni.. xpe la..
im still learning.. btw, i'll try to make this blog active...not radioactive but active ye.. haha

hmm.. aku(asrin) baru je melepasi halangan kehidupan.. amat perit.. phew.. tp xpe la..
aku terima dgn tabah.. sume ni ade hikmatnya... lg pon si dia lakukan sume ni untuk kebaikan aku jugak... thxx..

okay.. 1st of all.. this blog is not belong to me.. but it is for my group.. jadi xbole la nk cite pasal diri sendiri je.. hehe... okay..
1577 ni hanyalah sekadar kumpulan sahaja.. untuk merapatkan relationship antara satu sama lain..
ye la.. lepas abis skola.. sume akan ke haluan masing2.. jadi dgn ade kumpulan ni.. insyallah kami akan bersama...

yeah... masing2 sibuk dgn hal sendiri.. ade yg keje.. ade yg maen game je.. ade yg pg plkn.... ade yg syok sendiri.... ade yg syok2 ngan awek... ish3.. mcm aku ni sibuk blaja kete je.. naek bosan gak... tp bes gak driving ni...

ok la.. sampai disini saja la..

27 January 2010

Ahli 1577

today 1577 gang gather around to play badminton...... even though the rain be our obstacles but it just temporary..... fun is made for us even for a while